Amon's chill internet Kingdom "Kings Site": Home Page "The Reef"

Kings Site

Welcome to Amon's Website, the "King's Site"! Here you will be updated on my Projects. The following Webpages are ocean themed, because I wanted to try somehing diffrent that noone has done before, also i love sharks, thalassophobia is my "favourite fear (?), I like frutiger aero and because I just like the cozy feeling. Oh yeah, also i seperated the Webpages in depth categories because it works. This is the Reef, the other pages go deeper per number.

In The Drawer of this Website you can find the Pages 1-5. And up in the Bar, that was added in recent updates you can get to my other Pages. There are 8 Pages. The Projects for example, are the Highlights so its the 2nd Page already. I really enjoyed Designing this Website and the Pages. My Projects will be uploaded to Because thats my Service. Anyways- currently i have a pretty cool Project but i am gonna keep it a surprise! So here a view hints what this is about:

  • Exploring
  • Fangame Addable Content (Its an Episode for SMBX)
  • satire
  • And maybe This Guy if you still know him lol.

I will finish it within this year, if you want you can get a Gameplay video or if you trust to download and play yourself, the Download, DM-ed on Discord or Insta!
So - now were i talked about the upcoming stuff, lets talk about my previous work! here is more of "this guy", that i can't mention:

I already had other projects done, like the Splatoon 2D Plattformer Fangame thing i made. I saw a Video on youtube, that made me question, why noone in the SMBX EP-Creator Comunity, has thought of this already. Making a .WAD like Adventure pack about splatoon for this Mario Plattformer Fangame? I mean the SMBX Game comes with an Editor and many custom options already. I Quickly started working on, what now is already a Prequel for an now also soon upcoming Adventurepack. (but very very long into future type of soon)

Well guys, it is already out and you can find it on the next Page!

I also have a Gameplay Teaser on youtube. The Video Teaser Trailer shows to a small extend, how it looks. But dont judge the whole Storymode as boring just because the Lobby looks boring. I made 30 Levels, a sort of interessting Sunken Scrolls System that tells the Story, and it is overall a Mashup containing cameos and refferences from Sonic, Mario, idk, and most importantly (and the focus): Splatoon 1-3. The Graphics are all kind of bad and also there isnt much customized graphics when it comes to the blocks, they are all from Mario games still. But like i said, this is just a little test. I plan on making the Main version withing this Year. Having 80 levels, a good story, AND most importantly- better Graphics. I am gonna repaint some Sprites of NPCs that look grainy from the downscaling, copy-pasting and coverting, into actual Pixelart. There are already Videos about my Progress with the texture remaking on my Youtube Channel too, it really looks miles better. But still this Prequell is pretty cool. It might be too hard tho, if people are not used to the controls of 2D Zeldas. Thats because i haven't thought about the fact that Link would be hard to play for casual players. In the first level, it already starts with a very complicated Jump, that you can only get when you have speed built up, which is hard because the plattform that you are on is small, and you have to have a feeling for it. Maybe this might annoy the player already. But the Prequell- or lets call it the first actually good Splatoon 2D Fangame Project, is gonna actually be amateur-developer-typa good. I plan on giving it all the time and love it needs to be the best fangame for splatoon that exsists. I know it wont get so much attention from the splatoon comunity tho, because it RUNS on a Mario fangame, that isnt mine. I just made a addable Storymode with a view changed Things to it. Like a Doom Wad. Maybe much more custom and cooler than WADs. But i hope the projects still get a name in the splatoon comunity and world of fangames. since i call them just "projects" until now, i wanna mention: Both have names too, i wanna call them by their names now= The already released Prequell is called "Splatoon: Lucid World" Because just like in Super Mario Bros 2, the story is about having a Dream. But the thing is, the player doesnt know thatz he is dreaming until the End. Alright and here is the name of the big one: "Splatoon: The Golden Eye Arc". I plan on naming it That because it sounds cool, and Golden Eye is gonna be a Super Version of the player that is gonna be used to defeat the endboss, idk. GE = GoldenEye is a Charackter tho- from my OC/Fanfiction of the Splatoon universe. Oh yeah all the stories play in my OC. The reason why the Power and that charackter have the same name, is because GoldenEye is sort of like the Source of it, like a Master of it. He just is gonna be the Charackter that we fight the Endboss with, or gives his power to the player. Idk yet, what his role will be. So this is my most recent Status of Work. Anyways here is another very cool Site that jumped into my eye on here, as a hardcore splatoon fan: 'World of Ink'
Also to the People who are not from my SpaceHey Blog: If you are a fan of MySpace and its customizability and just miss it, SpaceHey is a perfect way to experience that again. My Spacehey Profile looks like this for example:

I think you might like the Plattfrom, so check it out. Its customization works simmilar to Neocities's. With HTML. MY Profile is just designed with a Layout, made by someone else.


This image is a old example, now my Spacehey looks much diffrent. And due to the risk of getting in trouble i am slowly letting go of my old internet identity as "KingKKontroverse" Because of people not getting the edgy/dark-humor colture of the 2010s and seriously thinking i am racist. And officially: i am not racist! Racism makes no sense to me, that's why i can't help but laugh about the jokes. Because it is so stupid that who ever takes this shit seriously is just funny to me, as well as the dark jokes themselves, and whoever just cant tolerate dark humor, you can also just go away yk? Then this site and other Edgeord's sites, memes and topics arent fo you.

You can checkout every Page once, they look cool!